Deascuola Corporate website

Web Design

Deascuola (previously DeA Scuola) is a school publishing house.

I was involved since the beginning even if the project was externally designed: I had to make sure that every external proposal respects the internal needs and constraints. I worked as a mediator between my colleagues and our providers: sometimes explaining or supporting an external design choice to my colleagues, sometimes entering deep into our requirements with our provider.

After the core project was delivered I deep-dived into designing the missing pages, using a new tool (Sketch) and a new working method (design with a Design System and Sketch library).After the core project was delivered I deep-dived into designing the missing pages, using a new tool (Sketch) and a new working method (design with a Design System and Sketch library).

Screen with Sketch App designs
Some "missing" pages design (here: Help pages).

In a whole systemic view, I guarantee that coherency and consistency in graphics, navigation, tone of voice, and general experience are maintained on all the pages and the projects correlated to Deascuola. That each flow makes sense within the whole system, on an experience, graphical, and also on microcopy level.

I recently analyzed accessibility and collect all the issue that needs a fix.

A screenshot of a sheet document containing the accessibility analysis

Unable to conduct regular proper user tests I asked for a Hotjar license, and set the listening on searching Google Analytics. I constantly check data in order to make more meaningful choices, changes, and adaptations.

Here are some issues I observed in time in users' behavior, and I autonomously proposed to modify:

Four mobile screens containing headers and menus
DeA Scuola Mobile Header and Menu
Screenshots with some copy highlited
New registration confirmation flow. Highlights of microcopy.
Workshop material photos
Card sorting workshop.
Laptop with Area Personale new design
First re-design proposal.

I also designed (ia, high fidelity wireframe, flows) some other smaller sites related to DeA Scuola:


(a website dedicated to Maths teachers: that contains helpful materials and resources)

This project was the progenitor of all websites dedicated to different subjects teachers. I designed the IA, and the structure of the pages (in coherence with website). I focused in particular on the search, and on the resources card design.

Laptop with ZonaMatematica homepage


(a website dedicated to Arts teachers: that contains helpful materials and resources) 

I designed the IA, and the structure of the pages. I expand the resources card design to adjust to the more visual needs of art resources.

Laptop with ZonaArte homepage


(a website dedicated to Italian Language teachers: that contains helpful materials and resources)

In this case, the challenge was understanding the main navigation of the website. I conduct a card sorting test (online but monitored) with teachers to find out what was preferable to them. I used Google Draw with the users (since most of them are usual Google Suite users) and then elaborate results with xSort.

A slide presenting some of the cad sorting aggregations
One of the aggregations resulting from the card sorting.


(a website dedicated to foreign languages teachers: aimed to help them to create interactive tests)

The challenge here was to make easy a difficult process for the user: the selection of the exercises to add to the test. The decision was to guide the process with an always visible bottom bar and some punctual instructions (icons and microcopy).

Laptop with CreaTestPlus homepage


(a website dedicated to music teachers)

I designed the IA, and the structure of the pages. The challenge in this case was dealing with reserved content: I designed user flows with all the constraints.

Part of the user flow


(a website aimed to help students with interactive lessons)

I designed all the sign-up users flow for subscription and login/sign up.

A portion of a user flow with some screens, connections and comments

Source: DeA Scuola