User Tests with kids


The tests were on some apps intended as a digital enhancement for children’s books.


Verify kids’ app usability and release extremely user-friendly apps, for preschoolers and primary school children.


I run a usability test with young users (4-9 yrs old), aimed to analyze icons, flow, interactions and interface. In the second session, I also focused on helping children to share their thoughts and review the apps using a “smiley” scale and not only words.

6 smiles, from really sad to really happy
Smiley scale used.


I had almost no budget to run the tests. I use my usual work devices (tablet and computer) and a mirroring app available in the company. The kids were colleagues' children (not from the digital department).


In the first session of tests, I found out kids are “super users”. In designing for them every good practice has to be followed: for instance icons have to be very simple, clear, with good affordances; consistency in the interface is even more important than with adults; time has to be well balanced according to their attention and capability.

Slide presenting some icons
Focus on clear and less clear icons.

After the test, the graphics designers and I designed new apps following the new guidelines.

screenshots from a kids app
First product released after the test.

A year later I ran another test to confirm results.